Solar Design & Construction
Designing and building Sustainable Passive Solar, Straw Bale, ICF, SIP, and Energy Efficient Homes Since 1992 928.607.2479 Flagstaff, AZ
Ed Dunn has designed and/or built over 45 sustainable homes since he quit teaching middle school history and art in 1992. These homes have been made of earth, straw, wood and stone and sometimes, foam block. All pay attention to the sun, the wind, the views, and the wants, needs and lifestyle of the occupants. He takes the approach that simple beauty is the best way to build and live. The important things in life are family, neighborhood, community, art, music, and the environment. We need to nurture and protect these for all of us folks and the generations to come. Currently, he is writing a book on the beauty and soul of sustainable architecture, as beauty is one of the most important aspects of sustainability since something that is not wanted will not endure.
Currently, I have retired from the building trade and just do architectural design.
Ed Dunn