Solar Design & Construction
Designing and building Sustainable Passive Solar, Straw Bale, ICF, SIP, and Energy Efficient Homes Since 1992 928.607.2479 Flagstaff, AZ

The Chaddock Home was designed and built in 2017-2018. It is a 2400 square foot straw bale house built by G Force Properties, LLC. When you approach the house it truly fits how Frank Lloyd Wright talked about, "a house should be of the hill, not on the hill. It has photovoltaics which help make the home near net zero in energy use. Trombe walls on the south side keep the rooms comfortable without the use of supplemental heating. Mini-split heat pumps provide pleasant, quiet supplemental heating and cooling, if needed. The arches were inspired by Bandolier National Park architecture. Lots of north windows for the fabulous views of the San Francisco Peaks. An angular design makes for interesting and lively interior views.

A house should be of the hill, not on the hill -- FL Wright