Solar Design & Construction
Designing and building Sustainable Passive Solar, Straw Bale, ICF, SIP, and Energy Efficient Homes Since 1992 928.607.2479 Flagstaff, AZ

This is one of the most energy efficient straw bale homes built. It has full access to the sun and with four large trombe walls is consistantly warm and comfortable. The image above was taken at the summer solstice and shows that the sun does not hit the south walls at all so the home is comforable in the summer, staying cool as well as warm in the winter when the sun strikes the south side, fully. Located in Timberline area of Flagstaff, the views of the peaks are to the west and this is deadly in terms of comfort. Many people design their homes with large west facing windows, making the interior intolerable, even in winter. This home pays homage to The Peaks with smaller windows on each side of the kiva fireplace. The clients fully enjoyed the view but not at the expense of their comfort.