Solar Design & Construction
Designing and building Sustainable Passive Solar, Straw Bale, ICF, SIP, and Energy Efficient Homes Since 1992 928.607.2479 Flagstaff, AZ

This octagon shaped passive solar straw bale home is designed around the principles of Feng Shui. It has a greywter planter that uses the waste water from the showers, washing machine and bathroom sinks. It has eath plaster and an interior cob wall. A work of art throughout.

Such a welcome feeling on a cold snowy day when you know that the inside is warm and cozy.

These south windows bring in the sun for warmth and light for the plants.

This is just clay soil, sand and straw which was used to plaster the interior side of the straw bale walls.

This is what the greywater planter looks like under construction.

The first layer of ¾" river rock allows the greywater to move freely from one end of the planter to the other. Roots from the plants "clean" the water of nitrates better than standard septics do.

Cob is an ancient method of building with earth. Using the same formulation as the plaster, clay/sand/straw, "cobs" are placed on the wall and formed together to make a beautiful wall. See the next pic for completed wall.

Completed cob wall.

The 2' thick wall really shows here. These windows were found at a used building materials store.